Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Sapphires: Selecting the Perfect Stone to Cherish For a Lifetime

Sapphires, with their celestial blue shades, make them far and above the most cherished jewel after the diamond. Whether taking the form of a pendant necklace, dangling pair of earrings or breathtaking vintage engagement ring, sapphires prove gorgeous in every setting. The only question left to consider is quality. Buying a sapphire requires the same care and consideration as purchasing a diamond. If you have your eye on a special piece, here are the characteristics you should look for in order to acquire a stone that’s high quality and timeless no matter the design.


Sapphire Three-Stone Ring
Spanning a full spectrum of colors, it’s possible to buy a pink, yellow, orange, purple or even greenish sapphire. Still, the deep pool blue sapphires are the most popular and the most valuable. Ranging from Sweden Princess Blue, a soft pale color, to dark Black, an opaque navy tone, sapphires are most expensive in the central range, with Royal Blue at the apex. For a better deal on price without sacrificing value, consider neighboring shades Camelot Blue or Commodore Blue.


Sapphire and Diamond Necklace

The brilliance of a stone is what makes it sparkle, and that requires a great deal of transparency within the heart of the gem. Though some buyers fancy more opaque sapphires for their alluring depth, the most valuable styles are crystal clear in order to refract the greatest level of light. Always hold a sapphire up to natural light to determine its clarity.


Sapphire and Diamond Bracelet

So much more than shape, the cut of a sapphire reveals the depth of the facets, which can create a darker or lighter hue. Additionally, shallowly carved facets give the impression the stone is larger than the weight suggests, which is not necessarily what you want. Always request a GIA grading report to determine the quality of the cut, as you’ll want one of good rating or better.


Not an essential consideration except for serious investments, but the origin of your desired sapphire can increase its value if it hails from Burma, Kashmir or Mogok. These locations routinely mine superior gems, but take that assessment with a grain of salt. Other mining spots may unearth better gems, while some inferior options will inevitably flow from even first-rate quarries.

Sapphire Halo Drop Earrings with Diamond Clips
Vintage Sapphire Drop Earrings 


Paramount above all other choices is when you decide where, precisely, to buy your sapphire jewelry. A trusted jewelry designer happily provides a GIA certificate in addition to a warranty that protects your investment. Find a reputable jeweler and the rest is easily handled. As always, Ziva Jewels promises a superior experience, a lifetime warranty and social responsibility, so you never regret a purchase this important.

When you decide to make a sapphire stone a part of your beautiful collection, make sure to follow this handy guide. With these simple tips, your new gemstone jewelry is guaranteed to be high quality, long lasting and distinctive, just as you dreamed it would be.

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